

  • Pepsin is one of the digestive system’s principal protein-degrading or proteolytic enzymes.
  • During digestion, Pepsin acts on the complex dietary protein and breaks it into peptides and amino acids that the intestinal lining can readily absorb.
  • Pepsin helps in digestive disturbance in general and is a result of impaired production of gastric juice. It is an adjunct in treating anemic conditions, especially during a slimming diet when protein intake increases.
  • It is used as a research tool in protein analysis and as a digestive syrup for heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour stomach.
  • It is also used in tablets to increase appetite and prepare cheese and other protein-containing foods.

Source:Porcine & Bovine

ASSAY:1:3000 NF, 1:10000 NF & 1:15000 NF


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