
Meteohairzyme(Alkaline Protease)

Meteohairzyme(Alkaline Protease)

  • Meteohairzyme is a bacterial alkaline protease enzyme produced by a selected strain of Bacillus species. The enzyme will hydrolyze proteins to a short-chained peptide. 
  • Meteohairzyme is a versatile leather unhairing enzyme for hides and skin.
  • Meteohairzyme is a bacterial alkaline protease leather unhairing enzyme used in leather beam house processes. It effectively attacks the hair bulb’s outermost sheath, resulting in better depilation and producing flat leather without wrinkles and growth marks. It also removes connective tissue protein, thus loosening flesh and adipose tissue stuck to hides. 
  • The alkaline protease enzymes in Meteohairzyme remove unwanted protein material like albumin and mucin without damaging the collagen. 
  • The ready-to-use formulation of enzymes and other ingredients gives high-performance unhairing, giving smooth grain and flat growth marks, and assists in the easy removal of hair and scud in the subsequent processes. It also reduces chemical consumption and water effluent problems. Wetting agents and detergents can be avoided while using this formulated product.



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